Australian Slang
A to E
a bit gone - mad;
silly; insane
a bit more choke and
you would have started - statement to somebody who has just farted
loudly in public
a bit rough - unfair
or unjust
A over T - (arse
over tit), fall heavily
abbo - aboriginal
- positively; yes
ac-dc - bisexual
add fuel to the fire
- to make a bad situation worse
add insult to injury
- to compound a grievance already committed against someone
aerial ping pong
- Aussie Rules football
after darks - sharks
agro - aggressive
aint it the truth
- expression of sympathy and agreement
airy fairy - fancy;
Akubra - Australian
wide brimmed felt hat
Al Capone - phone
Alf - average Australian
male; showing little or no regard for women and preferring the company
of male friends; a stupid person
Alice - Alice Springs,
Northern Territory
all alone like a country
dunny - without company; alone
all dolled up - dressed
in one's best clothes
all ears - listening
all smiles - very
always in the shit
- always in trouble
anchors - brakes
angle of the dangle
- pertaining to an erection of the penis
ankle-biter - a small
any tic of the clock
- very soon
Apple Isle - Tasmania
apples - okay; alright
argy bargy - tedious;
aristotle - bottle
arvo - afternoon
as much chance as pushing
shit uphill with a rubber fork - little or no chance
at sparrow fart -
at dawn
at the drop of a hat
- immediately
attaboy! - exclamation
of approval, urging, encouragement
Aussie - Australia;
Aussie Rules - Australian
Rules football
Aussie salute - waving
hands in front of face to shoo away the flies
Australian adjective
- bloody
'Ave a go ya mug!
- directed at a slow batsman in cricket
away with the pixies
- daydreaming
awkward as a bull in
a china shop - extremely clumsy
B - bastard
babbling brook -
baby batter - sperm
baccy - tobacco
back o' Bourke -
remote, sparsely populated country area
bad case of the trots
- diarrhea
bad egg - undesirable
bad news - a person
likely to cause trouble
baffle with bullshit
- deceive with lies
balls and all - enthusiastically;
Banana bender - Queenslander
Banana land - Queensland
banged up - pregnant
bangers - sausages
barbie - barbecue
bean - head; bash
beaut - excellent;
been had - tricked
been sucking lemons
- sour faced
bee's dick - anything
small or insignificant
bee's knees - the
bell - telephone
berk - fool
berko - crazy; insane
bikkies - biscuits
big spit - to vomit
binghi - an Aborigine
birthday suit - naked
bit much - excessive
or rude behavior
bit on the nose -
bizzo - nonsense;
term one uses if they don't know what something is called
Black Stump - outback
blackfella - aborigine
bleary eyed - suffering
from a hangover or tiredness
bloke - man
blood oath! - definitely;
blood's worth bottling
- exclamation of praise
bloody - the great
Australian adjective
bloody galah - silly
person; fool
bloody nong - silly
person; fool
bloody Nora! - mild
statement of amazement
blotto - very drunk
blow a blue dog off its
chain - extremely windy
blow in the bag -
undergo a breathalyzer test
blow me down! - expression
of amazement
blow shit out of someone
- reprimand someone severely
blower - telephone
blowies - blow flies
blowy - windy
bludge - do nothing;
be lazy
blue - unfriendly
argument; mistake; affectionate name for a red haired person
blue meanies - hallucinogenic
blue murder - serious
bluebottle - policeman
blue singlet - a
working class man
bluey - summons issued
by a policeman; ten dollar note
blunder - mistake
Bob Hope - soap
Bob's your uncle
- everything is fine
bodgie - false; worthless
bog - excrement;
bog in - eat heartily
bog house - outside
boiler - an old woman
bonza - excellent!
boofhead - stupid
boomerang - something
lent that needs to be returned
boong - aborigine
booze - alcoholic
boozer - local pub;
heavy drinker
bored shitless -
very bored
boss cocky - employer
bracelets - handcuffs
brass monkey weather
- very cold weather
brass razoo - money
break open a coldie
- have a drink (usually a beer)
brekky - breakfast
brew - beverage
brickie - brick layer
bright spark - alert;
Brizzie - Brisbane
brolly - umbrella
brown-eye - expose
your anus in contempt
brown trouser job
- frightening or scary
brunch coat - dressing
gown for women
bugger - general
term for any person
bugger around - waste
bugger it! - exclamation
of contempt
bugger me dead
- exclamation of amazement
bugger off - go away!
bugger up - ruin;
bugger all - nothing
buggered - broken;
very tired
buggered if I know
- haven't got a clue
buggered up - ruined;
buggerise around
- waste time
buggerlugs - affectionate
term used to mildly annoy somebody
buggery - a far away
bugle - nose
built like a brick shit
house - very strong
built like a streak of
pelican shit - very tall
bulldust - exaggerate
bum fluff - growth
of hair on the face
bum nuts - eggs
bunch of fives -
fist or hand
bunghole - cheese
bunyip - creature
in Aboriginal legends which haunts billabongs and water holes
buzz - telephone
call; exciting feeling
buzz off - leave
cack - defecate;
cackleberry - an
cake-hole - the mouth
call it a day - finish
up the job
call it quits - break
off a relationship
came out like a shower
of shit - very fast
Captain Cook - look
carbie - carburettor
cark - die
carpet grubs - children
carry on like a pork
chop - behave foolishly
catch forty winks
- have a short sleep
catching flies -
yawning; astounded look with jaw wide open
caught the wog -
became infected with a virus (e.g. influenza)
cheerio - small party
sausage; saveloy
cheesed off - very
cheesy grin - fake
chew and spew - take
away food
chew the fat - talk
chockie bikkies -
chocolate biscuits
choke a darkie -
to defecate
choof off - depart
chook - woman
chop and change -
to change repeatedly
chopper - a helicopter
choppers - teeth
chops - mouth
chow - food
chow tucker - chinese
Chrissie - Christmas
chuck - vomit
chuck a leftie -
turn left
chuck a spaz - get
chuck a U-ie - do
a U turn
chuck a wobblie -
display sudden anger
clackers - false
clapped out - broken
clap trap - nonsense
clear as mud - confusing
clear the cobwebs
- have sex
Coathanger - Sydney
Harbour Bridge
cobber - friend;
cock and bull - nonsense
coffin nail - cigarette
cold as a witch's tit
- very cold
coldie - beer
colorful yawn - vomit
come the .... - behave
like ....
come the raw prawn
- attempt to deceive
come to blows - start
common as dog shit
- very common
compassionate as a starving
shark - have no sympathy at all
conk - bash; nose
cooking with gasoline
- doing very well
corroboree - a large
couldn't pull a greasy
stick out of a dead dog's arse - totally incompetent
country cousin -
cow - bad tempered
crack a darkie -
become violent or angry
cranky - ill tempered
crap on - talk nonsense
crikey! - an expression
of astonishment
crooked on - upset
Dad 'n Dave - shave
dag - lovable; odd
or amusing person
damage - cost or
damaged goods - woman
who is no longer a virgin
- expression of extreme annoyance
damper - type of
outback bread cooked in a campfire
dark as three feet up
a cow's arsehole - extremely dark
darkie - aborigine;
expression of anger
Darwin stubbie -
very large beer bottle
date - anus; bum
date roll - toilet
dekko - a look
dial - face
dig - cutting or
sarcastic remark
digger - returned
dim sims - testicles
dingo - an ugly woman
do your dial - verbally
abuse in anger
do your lolly - lose
your temper
dog's eye - pie
dole - social security
dolled up - dressed
dong - bash; hit
down a few - drink
a few beers
down the boozer -
at the pub
Down Under - Australia
drongo - stupid person;
drop a fart - pass
wind loudly and unexpectedly
drown some worms
- go fishing
dry rots - trots;
dunny - toilet
dunny paper - toilet
durrey - hand rolled
dutch oven - farting
under the bed cover blankets and pulling the covers over someone else's
earbash - talk incessantly
ears flapping - listening
with great interest
Ekka - Brisbane's
Agricultural Exhibition
el cheapo - cheap
and inferior
elbow grease - vigorous
hard work
empties - empty beer
every bastard and his
dog - the general public
every Tom Dick and Harry
- the general public
exy - expensive
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